Monday, May 27, 2013


Yesterday we went on a 'light' hike, it was actually really great., if a little rushed. We walked for four hours up hill and down dale and my Noom calculated I burnt a total of 3500 calories.
 I don't know if it's accurate but I feel really good!
Haven't hopped on the scales yet, but I'm feeling confident as I have totally given up alchohol this past week and also sweet things, thanks to a yeast intolerance which has flared up again.  Just the thought of setting it off is enough to put me off eating.
If I managed to get below 80 kilos I'll be dead chuffed!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

choc shock

Just before I go to bed, I thought I'd share the fact I finished the enormous bar of chocolate which was lying dormant in my store cupboard and have no intention of replacing it! This alone should accelerate my weight loss substantially.

Furthermore today I went for a brisk walk pushing my baby who now weighs a good 10 kilos and pushchair, for almost 2 hours. It was sweltering so hoping for the best. However, have no plans to hop on the scales yet as seriously eating sackloads of rabbit food and miniscule portions of carbs...apart from the choc, I hope to have good news next time I dare to challenge the scales' impartial judgement...

The hardest thing is keeping the plan foremost in my mind, it's all too easy to slip back into my mad bad eating habits and only afterwards remember I was supposed to be on a diet! The other thing I'm forcing myself to do is drink litres of water. In the afternoon when I'm teaching I drink half a litre for every student, so this afternoon I had four students, that's two litres of water, innumerable trips to the loo but I feel much better for it!

Yesterday I took baby and dogs out for a long walk along the seafront, it was lovely. Sunny but with a bit of a breeze, baby fell asleep for the entire time, while me and the dogs panted along, enjoying ourselves.

Feel like getting my legs out it is so hot, but am still a bit shy. Two mozzarella white wobbly sticks holding up a fat red tomato... not a pretty image unless you're preparing fingerfood for Masterchef. I started yesterday with my Birkinstocks and linen trousers. My dad once noted, 'once you get your knees brown, the rest doesn't matter.' you're probably right Dad but don't want to shock the drivers and cause a pile up due to the reflection off my startling white legs.

Nighty night

Friday, May 3, 2013

Jigging, jogging or jiggling?

I DID IT!! I actually got out of bed at 6:45am , put on my running gear and got out of the house! You can see on my FB profile where I ran, I did 2 k in 22 minutes and I have to be honest, I felt as if I was going to be sick. It reminded me of being at school and being forced to do the 3000 metres or whatever it was, agony. I stopped smoking 12 years ago but my rasping breath burning, my tight lungs bursting this morning made me think perhaps I'm a sleepsmoker? Now if I were a sleepwalker that'd be a sure fire way to burn up extra calories without worrying about it, unless I went to the cupboards and ate, I read about that once, must be terrible. Just imagine, you get up for breakfast and open the cupboards and discover someone has eaten all your breakfast cereal, you can't understand it of course and it's YOU...scary!

Unfortunately that isn't my problem, I am perfectly aware of stuffing food into my fat gob, it's just easier to deny it. When I saw the photos of myself, full length at the barbeque last Wednesday I cringed. You know when I look in the mirror that isn't what I see. How come?

I need to print that pic out and stick it on the fridge!

Look on the plus size, oops I meant plus side... At least I burned up 137 calories this morning dragging my sorryself around the block. Isn't that depressing? 137 calories?! What a load of crap! I'd rather stay in bed and sleep if that is all my running amounts to, and then to top it off the noom says 'well done, you burnt 137 calories, that's three oranges' and you're like, 'brilliant, that really gets me motivated.' 3 damned oranges!? come on! I need to hear more than that! Like 'that's a large glass of red wine and a packet of salt and vinegar crisps'.

Well I guess I need to try again and go for a bit longer the next time, maybe if I keep it up eventually it will say something more exciting.

Here you can see me as I have refused to see myself...bulges and all! Hopefully these images will motivate me to eat more healthily.

I'm going to go back to the Noom, which helped me lose all the weight the last time, it's just the new programme isn't my cup of tea, I preferred the old one. Oh well, any port in a storm!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

to run or not to run...

I am avoiding the scales like the plague!

I am also avoiding pasta, cake, chocolate and biscuits, but the occasional one does slip under the radar I must admit. Today I was falling asleep during my lessons so I made a cup of tea and wolfed down a couple of biscuits for a quick sugar fix. Got me back on track. Baby woke up every hour last night, I think he's teething, and so today was particularly difficult, plus the temperature at 2pm was over 30 degrees, and there I was nodding in my chair!

I still haven't managed to move my buns yet, But tommorrow am planning to haul my lazy bones out of bed early and go for a run-shuffle-jiggle, just have to okay it with hubby first as will be leaving him to be baby's minder.

Hopefully then tomorrow I'll be able to surprise everyone with my shocking running stats! (as well as shocking the cellulite which appears to have taken up permanent residence over two thirds of my body!)

By the way, for my birthday I got three sets of exercise clothes!! A hidden message or what!? One was even an M which was hilariously funny...