I DID IT!! I actually got out of bed at 6:45am , put on my running gear and got out of the house! You can see on my FB profile where I ran, I did 2 k in 22 minutes and I have to be honest, I felt as if I was going to be sick. It reminded me of being at school and being forced to do the 3000 metres or whatever it was, agony. I stopped smoking 12 years ago but my rasping breath burning, my tight lungs bursting this morning made me think perhaps I'm a sleepsmoker? Now if I were a sleepwalker that'd be a sure fire way to burn up extra calories without worrying about it, unless I went to the cupboards and ate, I read about that once, must be terrible. Just imagine, you get up for breakfast and open the cupboards and discover someone has eaten all your breakfast cereal, you can't understand it of course and it's YOU...scary!
Unfortunately that isn't my problem, I am perfectly aware of stuffing food into my fat gob, it's just easier to deny it. When I saw the photos of myself, full length at the barbeque last Wednesday I cringed. You know when I look in the mirror that isn't what I see. How come?
I need to print that pic out and stick it on the fridge!
Look on the plus size, oops I meant plus side... At least I burned up 137 calories this morning dragging my sorryself around the block. Isn't that depressing? 137 calories?! What a load of crap! I'd rather stay in bed and sleep if that is all my running amounts to, and then to top it off the noom says 'well done, you burnt 137 calories, that's three oranges' and you're like, 'brilliant, that really gets me motivated.' 3 damned oranges!? come on! I need to hear more than that! Like 'that's a large glass of red wine and a packet of salt and vinegar crisps'.
Well I guess I need to try again and go for a bit longer the next time, maybe if I keep it up eventually it will say something more exciting.
Here you can see me as I have refused to see myself...bulges and all! Hopefully these images will motivate me to eat more healthily.
I'm going to go back to the Noom, which helped me lose all the weight the last time, it's just the new programme isn't my cup of tea, I preferred the old one. Oh well, any port in a storm!
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