Friday, September 20, 2013

motivation level is high

I thought I'd try and discipline myself to blogging more, at least 5 times a week if possible, it might keep up my motivation, knowing I'm going to check in to my blog.

Today I was all on my lonesome as hubby took baby to nursery and then went to work on our land and they're both sleeping up at Granma's tonight 'cos tomorrow he's got an early start and I've got students.

If you don't know me personally you might be interested to know I'm an English teacher, I teach privately and although I didn't expect it when I did my teaching certificate, I love my job. I count myself really lucky, I get to stay at home and work with lovely people (mostly) and my job is satisfying and fulfilling.

The down side for my figure is it's totally sedentary. I used to work in my shop and every day walked there and back, sometimes four times a day which clocked up around 5 kilometres. nowadays the most exercise I get is a walk to the supermarket, unless I get my bod out of bed and go for a walk-jog-run-shuffle (please see previous posts for details).
Unfortunately I hurt my achilles tendon over the summer and I'm a bit wary of overdoing it, although if I wake up early tomorrow I will get my butt down to the seafront to clear the cobwebs, take it easy but at least wibble wobble a bit more.

Do you ever wonder where other people buy their clothes? I seem to have trouble finding jeans to fit, I mean I know I'm big, but this morning on my trek to the supermarket there were two ladies in front of me who were amply proportioned, I would swear they have bigger bums than mine, although it made me wonder actually, seeing as obviously you can't really appreciate how big it is unless someone walks behind you and videos it...not a pretty thought! So I'm wondering where do all these big ladies shop? Is it just me? Or am I bigger than I like to believe...

It's a kind of cold comfort when you see someone bigger than you, I mentally ask myself how I measure up in comparison and although a grim satisfaction seeps in when I decide I'm NOT that fat, a little voice breaks through my subconcious asking 'how long 'til you ARE?'. And that's why I have to stop this onwards march towards sure doom. I realised I really don't want to be sixty and still harping on about diets. I managed to stop smoking, I stopped drinking coffee which I NEVER could have imagined, I have a jar of unopened Nutella in the cupboard and three bars of chocolate which twenty years ago was unthinkable. If I can achieve that, then why not the ultimate self sacrifice in order to live life better?

Today I managed to stick to eating little portions, even at supper when I had fresh pasta and homemade ragu, I had fruit afterwards oh yes and a blob of ice-cream which had been rattling around the freezer with noone to talk to. I've started drinking low alchohol beer to still enjoy a drink but cut down on the calories. And I consider it a major success that I got round the supermarket without putting gorgozola, olives, wine or ice cream into my basket.

Here I come in my size 12 jeans!!!

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