About two stone ago ( and years) I bought these all singing all dancing scales. The only things they don't do is laugh, (thank God!) and diet for you (shame!) But they're a bit complicated, and must admit I've never got round to doing the maths in the instruction book.
Maybe by writing it down I'll actually understand something for the first time about these scales.
First of all you have to tell the scales your details, age, sex and height. I put 5 foot 7 and a half, 38 years old and quite clearly, female.
Then when you hop on the scale sends a , hang on, let me quote from the excellent instruction booklet;
'By means of electrodes placed on the platform, the scale sends a weak low intensity electric current that passes through the body mass. The electric current reacts in a different way according to the masses it passes through; the lean body mass opposes a weak resistance, while the fat body mass has a greater resistance.'
The first time I stood on it I was waiting to feel a tingling, or some indication of the current passing through my body. Disappointingly, it's totally thrill -free.
Anyway, on with the maths
when I started this blog these were my stats
KG 81 12st 10lb
BF 36% body fat
BW 43.2% body water
29.6 muscle mass
10.9 bone mass
As of the day before yesterday ( I haven't dared weigh myself since then because I have been eating a bit too much soft cheese and wine)
KG 79.00 12st5lb
BF 34.9 %
BW 44.2 %
MM 30.1%
Bone 10.9 kg
This proves that the first lbs lost are NOT liquid as we have been led to believe, but blubber!! Good news all round I think you will agree.
The instruction manual says- 'when there is a high percentage of fat or a reduced muscular mass, the body water percentage is always too low.'
'Women, having normally more adipose tissue than men have a water percentage of 55% - 58% and men have about 60-62%. Obese people have a lower water percentage than lean people.'
Did you get that? 'Obese people have a lower water percentage than lean people.'
That means you must drink more water if you are fat and you want to lose weight. In fact one of the positive things about these scales is they make me think about drinking water more regularly.
Ok, time for the maths, they have included an example to work out how much excess fat you have to lose and I will enter my stats to get the results for me.
Entered data: female, 172 cm tall, 38 years old
Data calculated by the scale :Weight KG 79,BF 34.9 %,BW 44.2 %, MM 30.1%,Bones 10.9 kg
percentage of lean body mass is 100-34.9=65.1%
water percent is 44.2%
body fat is made up as follows:
essential fat = 79kg x 12% (necessary fat as dictated by the instruction book, NECESSARY FAT!! Fantastic..;-).) =9.48 kg
spare fat = 79kg x 15% (spare fat which is necessary for good functioning etc etc also fantastic;-)!!) = 11.85 kg
total body fat therefore 9.48+11.85=21.33 kg which over my total body weight of 79kg = 27% which is my ideal Body Fat Percent compared with actual body fat percent of 34.9%
difference is 34.9 - 27 = 7.9% applies to the total weight of 79 kg is 10kg overweight or 1st 8lbsTOO FAT!!
Wow I did it, the maths got me rather confused but finally 12st 5lbs minus 1st 8lbs = ideal weight of 10st 9lbs ? is that right? it is difficult doing subtractions with units of 14lbs... let's work from the other side, 69kilos x2.2lbs =152 / 14 = 10stone 12lbs
IDEAL WEIGHT 10st 10lbs (to avoid arguments) or 69kg.
GOAL reach ideal weight before JUNE 16 2011 (my wedding anniversary) and then to keep it off FOREVER!!
Would it be easier to do liposuction I wonder??? Perhaps, but certainly less entertaining!
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