So I've been really trying this week, and NO RESULTS, actually, even worse. I saw an increase on the scales. Yesterday I weighed myself and I had put on 1 kilo 300 g or almost three lbs!
What went wrong? I have been exercising almost every morning, cutting down on my portions, follwing my own advice about parking the car etc etc and all to no avail...
But I will not be down-hearted, this is only a temporary set-back. If I know I have been seriously following the plan, then there is no reason why the weight won't come off next week. I mean it took me years to get this big, maybe it needs to come off as slowly as it went on!?
For example, this weekend I went up Etna to help my husband clear some land and spent approximately 6 hours clearing rubbish, moving rocks and sawing branches. Today my muscles are killing me! I didn't eat any biscuits, while the others stuffed their faces, I had a half portion of homemade pasta and tomato sauce, and instead of meatballs I had grilled chicken breast. How is it possible the scales show an increase!?
To cheer myself up I measured myself to keep a record and I have already lost a couple of centimetres on the thighs, after doing those mud packs. (the second one wasn't as bad as the first one had been, thank God!)
5 Feb 2011 7 Feb
Left Thigh 65cm 65cm
Right Thigh 67cm 67cm
hips 113cm 111cm
waist 85 cm 83cm
bust 105 cm 105cm
That is wonderful! and it is coming off on the right places more or less. Do you remember that when I measured my thighs before mud they were 68cm? I'm so happy!
I was wondering if having a cold could weigh you down, as my body seems to be producing industrial amounts of mucus this last two weeks! Is that possible?
Tonight I'm going to try a cellulite roller that I bought two years ago and never used, I think it's by clinique. I'll let you all know how it goes.
I'll also try to weigh fat dog, who in my opinion, is looking slightly less chubby lately. I have been taking them out a bit more and walking more quickly to try to keep her heart rate up!
Well I just tried to pick her up and stand on the scales and nearly gave myself a hernia! I couldn't really see the weight but it appeared to me to be 38kilos... but more news on that tommorrow when my helpful husband is available.
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